Copyright Policy
All information and or content provided by Faith Victory Ministries International‘s website is protected by copyright laws and is owned by Faith Victory Ministries International. This information and or content includes, but is not limited to, graphics, images, photographs, audio clips, video clips, text, articles, and the Faith Victory Ministries International logo, which is a registered trademark of Faith Victory Ministries International.
You may not publish, modify, copy, distribute, sell, transfer, or reproduce in any way the material on this website without prior written permission from Faith Victory Ministries International. You may not, without the permission of Faith Victory Ministries International, mirror or frame any material which is contained on this website.
Faith Victory Ministries International also prohibits unauthorized links to the site and reserves the right to disable any unauthorized links or frames.
This site may contain links that will let you access other websites that are not under the control of Faith Victory Ministries International. The links are only provided as a convenience, and Faith Victory Ministries International does not endorse any of these sites. Faith Victory Ministries International assumes no responsibility or liability for any material that may be accessed on other websites reached through this site, nor does Faith Victory Ministries International make any representation regarding the quality of any product or service contained at any such site. Faith Victory Ministries International has no responsibility or liability for any material on other websites that may contain links to this site.
The unauthorized use of any of the material contained on this website may violate certain copyright laws, trademark laws, communications regulations and statutes, and laws concerning privacy and publicity.
Acceptance of Terms of Use
The use of the Faith Victory Ministries International website is subject to the terms of use as defined and governed by this copyright policy, which constitutes a legal binding agreement between you and Faith Victory Ministries International. By using this website you hereby acknowledge that you have read, understood, and are in agreement to be bound by the terms of use as defined and governed by this copyright policy.
Privacy Policy
Faith Victory Ministries International, Inc. (“FVMI”) is a Christian, nonprofit organization committed to excellence, integrity, and your privacy. Our mission is to earn and build your trust and confidence by promoting and upholding the highest standards concerning principles of disclosure and informed consent. This Privacy Policy is provided to inform you of the ways we gather and use information on www.faithvictoryministries.org(“Website”). This Privacy Policy does not apply to any website “linked” to this Website, and FVMI is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of such other websites.
Information Collection
Please be aware that FVMI is committed to upholding the highest level of confidentiality and security for those who choose to visit our Website. The types of information collected by FVMI on this Website fall under one of two categories: Anonymous or Personal.
Anonymous Information
Anonymous information cannot be traced back to a specific individual. Our web servers automatically record the IP address (the general location where the user is logged) of each visitor to this Website and tracks how many people visit our Website. We use this type of anonymous information to administer our Website more effectively, personalize this Website for you, and gain general information about the backgrounds and sources of visitors.
Personal Information
Personal information identifies who you are. This is information that you personally and voluntarily provide as a result of a prompt on the Website. Such information includes, but is not limited to, your name, postal address, phone number, and email address. In the case of information provided to the America section of the Website (such as date of birth, marital status, gender, demographic, and other information), this data is handled by a third party. Credit card numbers may also be collected when online transactions occur through our Website. Following is a list of ways that FVMI collects personal information from this Website:
Online Requests for Information
When you request information online from our Website, we ask for certain information in order to process your request. The information may include, but is not limited to, your name, postal address, phone number, email address, and other demographic information. In the case of information provided to the America section of the Website (such as date of birth, marital status, gender, demographic, and other information), this data is handled by a third party. Unless you “opt out,” we may also use that information to send you additional literature about FVMI and its conferences and resources.
Online Registration of Our Partners
When an individual becomes a partner with FVMI, certain information is collected to allow us to provide you with the highest degree of excellent service. The information collected in our online registration may include, but is not limited to, your name, postal address, phone number, email address, and other demographic information. In the case of information provided to the America section of the Website (such as date of birth, marital status, gender, demographic, and other information), this data is handled by a third party. Please be aware that we value your privacy, and your registration information is protected by password for your privacy and security. Unless you “opt out,” we may use the information you voluntarily provide to send you additional literature about FVMI and its conferences and resources.
Online Transactions
When you desire to purchase resources from our Website or make a donation, certain information is necessary to allow us to ship your order to you as quickly and efficiently as possible or process your online donation. The information collected in an online transaction may include, but is not limited to, your name, credit card information, postal address, phone number, email address, and other demographic information. In the case of information provided to the America section of the Website (such as date of birth, marital status, gender, demographic, and other information), this data is handled by a third party. Because your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, we have taken steps to ensure that online transactions through our Website take place via encrypted secure servers. All the information you include and submit with your order or request for online donation is passed through our encrypted secure servers through the use of Authorizenet technology. With Authorizenet technology your card is charged electronically, and your actual account number is never presented to the merchant from whom you made your purchase.
Cookies are small data files that can be placed on your hard drive by websites that you visit. The only personal information that a cookie can contain is information that you provide to us personally. FVMI uses cookies to gather and store personal information that is collected when online transactions occur on our Website, as well as passwords and preferences (used for secure login) of partners visiting our Website.
Information Sharing and Disclosure
FVMI will not rent, sell, lease, or share personal information about you with other organizations, except in response to subpoenas, court orders, or privacy processes, or to establish and/or exercise our legal rights. However, when an online transaction occurs that involves the shipment of a package, we will provide an email address to our shipping provider (UPS) for tracking purposes only.
Children’s Policy
If you are under the age of sixteen, you must ask your parent or guardian before you email this Website, request that FVMI send any information to you, or purchase any resources on this Website.
Opt-Out Policy
To opt out of receiving emails or standard mail solicitations or other forms of contact from Faith Victory Ministries International, send an email to contact@faithvictoryministries.org with “Opt-Out” in the subject line, or send a letter to: Faith Victory Ministries International, P.O. Box 268169, Chicago, IL 60626-8169. You must include your full name, mailing address and e-mail address. If we are able to locate your contact information based on the information you provide us, it will be removed from our databases and mailing lists.
Unsubscribe from our Mailings and Emails
If you desire to unsubscribe from our mailings or emails, simply contact us in any of the following ways:
Manage Your Subscription
Faith Victory Ministries International
1122 W. Thorndale Ave – Chicago, IL 60660
Editing Your Account Information
If you determine that our information about you is inaccurate or has changed, you may modify that information by:
Faith Victory Ministries International
1122 W. Thorndale Ave – Chicago, IL 60660
Changes to This Privacy Policy
FVMI reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without advance notice.
Contact Us
If you have any further questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please call us at 773-990-0350, or email us at contact@faithvictoryministries.org.